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Service Officer's Report
Talk To Our Service Officer
Our VFW/American Legion Service Officer job is to help any veteran, their family or someone in our community. He is responsible to help if you need help.
He is here to help you get:
hospital card
get into a hospital or Veteran's Home
file for compensation,
medical care,
college information
buying a home
widowed assistance and pensions, bonuses
find a missing vet
volunteer at our post
get you into a PTSD class
information on Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery
death benefits
flag folding and ceremonies
forms for any reason (42 new ones this year)
Purple Heart Bonus
license plates
hearing aids and glasses (10% disability)
free hunting and fishing licenses,
free camping in DNR campsites
honor flight
correcting your DD214
finding your military records and medical records
life insurance caregivers
too many to list here.
Sometimes we vets don't want help because we are proud, angry at the government, want to forget our service time, or many other reasons. Remember, YOU served your country, you are not getting something for nothing, we earned every one of those benefits, and they weren't free.
If you need help, call the VFW at 1-815-926-2651 and we will have our service officer contact you.